EMF Protection Clothing A Fast Catching Up Trend
There are a host of things out there wreaking havoc on your health these days. from GM (genetically modified) foods and pesticides. To invisible EMF radiation waves emanating from your cell phone. So, protecting your home and family needs a different level of vigilance. Of course, it can be a lot. So, for that reason this well-researched blog post has been shared about, how to stay on top of things.
One of those things all of us stay on top of in our homes is EMFs. So, let’s share with you all the basics about what they are, and how to protect yourself and your family. So, if your curiosity has arisen about the best EMF protective clothing and other EMF protection products, keep reading.

Electromagnetic Radiation Is A Menace In Modern World
The danger of electromagnetic radiation is a menace in today’s times. And the fact is, we probably won’t know the long-term effects for no less than 50 or more years. You can be aware of EMFs or you may not, but let us break it down for you.
EMF radiation results from electrical devices such as microwaves, cell phones, or WIFI routers. Cell towers also discharge a lot of EMFs, and same is coming out of high voltage power lines. Thus, if you live in proximity to any of these, you may be experiencing higher than normal EMF exposure. People who dwell in metros or apartment buildings will also have a higher exposure. Just imagine all those WIFI networks coming up, that’s plenty of waves!
As a matter of fact, EMFs have a stronger effect on children because their bodies and brains are still developing. More especially a baby developing during pregnancy. For this reason, it’s important to be fully aware of your exposure during pregnancy.
Wearing Protective Clothing
It seems crazy and kind of high tech, however it’s not. Just imagine when you go to the dentist or some other doctor for x-rays, and they cover you up with a heavy apron? That’s since, it is stuffed with materials such as lead, that provide shielding from the various damaging effects of radiation exposure.
So, what is EMF protective clothing fashioned from? Apparently, you can’t go around wearing lead aprons in daily life. However, there are certain lightweight materials such as silver and copper that are just as effective. These EMF protection products filter radiation by blocking them in the same manner, a closed-door silences noise from outside. It will not shut it out completely but dilutes it. The best EMF protective clothing will provide you a fair level of protection. While at the same time being lightweight and comfortable.
What Variety Of Clothing Can You Buy
There is a good variety available such as shirts, undershirts, dresses, underwear, and even an EMF beanie. All of these, wear more like an undergarment since the style can be a bit minimal! However, that’s not the case all the time.
What to Look for In EMF Protection Clothing
Like any other item, try to read reviews and see if the clothing has been tested for effectiveness. If you have an EMF meter you should check it for yourself at home. However, companies often test their own and share how effectively they can reduce radiation. Do keep in mind that no clothing can provide total coverage. However, the quality EMF protective clothing will shield whatever part of the body it’s covering. This is especially important for pregnant bellies.
The Nutshell
All in all, wearing an EMG shielding blanket when sitting in front of a computer is the ideal protective measure for a pregnant women's baby in utero. Same way, men wanting to protect their fertility should wear an EMF shielding underwear.